Friday, August 28, 2009

I do....

This came across my desk again this morning and it makes me tear up everytime I read it, so I thought I would share it with you all this morning. This poem was written by one of my top fundraisers in the Ft. Worth area. She wrote it for a contest to support MS. She read this at a forum in August 2001 in Washington DC, one month before the 9-11 attacks. This couple is truly an inspiration everytime I see them.

I Do

Some people have said, "In sickness and in health"
And simply replied, "I do."
With the thought that the worse case scenario
Was probably some strain of flu.
It's been twenty-three years since I said that phrase
And filed it in the back of my mind,
Until MS reared its ugly head,
A disease so thoughtless and unkind.
Avid walker, tennis player, cross-stitcher,
All enjoyable, but now not in my day.
Other enjoyable hobbies to be found,
But few choices, few abilities, give up? No way!
My mate now labeled my "caregiver,"
My "chauffeur," my "nurse," and my "cane,"
My "therapist," my shoulder to cry on,
Dealing with my depression, sometimes in vain.
So when deciding to take the vow
Think what the words really mean.
Are you willing to love in the bad times
With the good sometimes sandwiched between?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Deep Thoughts...

So I'm not one to make a habit of getting on a political or religious soap box - Mostly because I feel that people who do this should be well informed and not blabber. I'll admit, I am not the most informed person when it comes to politics or religion. I know what I believe and what makes me spiritual person, and I think that's okay. Yesterday, though, I had an encounter that really got me bare with me.

If we bash a man in his death, what kind of person does that make us? With the sad passing of Ted Kennedy, this really got me thinking. Now, I'm not saying that Ted Kennedy was a saint - I don't think anyone would disagree with me on that. But the man helped shape our nation - Important legislation that we have today was because of this man. Now, I think that is pretty cool to look at all of his accomplishments and what he has done for this country. And yes, the man made mistakes. Haven't we all? Raise your hand if you are perfect. one raised their hand.

Yesterday, I received several emails and a million facebook posts from an unnamed individual about what a terrible person Ted Kennedy was. This person claims to be a great man of god and preaches the word of the bible in everything he does. So my question is here - what kind of Christian does that make you when you continue to judge a person in their death? I thought Jesus and God were about forgiveness. Didn't Jesus die for your sins? If Jesus and God can forgive, why can't you? I don't care if you approved or disapproved of Ted Kennedy, but don't tell the world via email and facebook that Jesus and God wouldn't approve of Ted Kennedy. Did Jesus or God call you up and tell you they didn't approve? I'm pretty sure they didn't. I thought Christianity was about loving one another, supporting each other, forgiveness and living a good moral life. Where is judgement in all of that? I think if you look at the bible, they only person that could even try to judge you would be God in your death. I guess I'm just confused. I thought that those that portray themselves as devout Christians were supposed to be loving, accepting and forgiving. Turns out, some of them aren't.

I'm not trying to create a debate or pass judgement myself (although it sounds like it, doesn't it?). I think I just want to know why even judge those in their passing? Their life is over - celebrate their accomplishments. You wouldn't want someone standing at your funeral telling everyone all the mistakes you made, would you?

I'll step down now.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I can't stop watching these people....

Do you watch these guys....The Duggars on TLC? I can't stop. They are a complete mystery to me. How one woman gives birth to 18 children....and is still going, I have no idea. It doesn't make sense to me because #1 - why do you want to give birth to 18 children and #2 - WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE BIRTH TO 18 CHILDREN?! Tom and I do well, and I think we will barely afford one child. How do these people afford 18 children? How do you even get to know your kids when you have that many? I can't stop watching - it totally fascinates me. Not to mention when their oldest got married, until the day of his wedding, he had never even kissed a girl. That makes no sense to me what-so-ever. People are so crazy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

He's gonna be a trouble maker

This guy is going to be a trouble maker - I can already tell. I think he's secretly laughing in my belly. He figured out how to kick where I can feel him....except that he's pretty much only figured out how to kick my bladder. Awesome. I won't even begin to tell you how many times I had to get up last night. I think he does it and laughs. At least that's what I would do. Tom thinks it's hilarious. I might have threatened to punch him in the face last night if he laughed one more time. On that note, I will leave you with a parting shot of Bentley from last night. Apparently she thinks this is hers...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Baby Marshall - 22 Weeks

This was fun to get today! Last time I went to get my ultrasound, they didn't offer, but this time they did! It's neat to see him moving around the whole time...even if I can't really feel it. The doc said that where my placenta was, it'll be longer for me than most women before I can feel it. Weird medical stuff. Anyway.... I thought it was fun.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I think I broke my thumb

You know when you start a new work out routine and you have muscles that kill you because you never use them? This is now my pain. I think I have sprained my thumb muscle. How does one do that? I will tell you..... You pull your pants up and down 80 times a day to pee. Stop hurts! I can barely type. Someone should come up with a list of crazy ridiculous things that happen to you when you are pregnant that no one ever talks about. I never read that a possible reaction to pregnancy was a broken thumb from peeing so much. It really does.

Oops, I did it again.

But this time it wasn't my fault....but I didn't stop it from happening. I blame Tom. I received a notification yesterday that they are discontinuing the fabric design on the stroller we like. So, Tom and I went to Baby's R Us to just look. Upon arriving, we learned that not only the fabric for the stroller and carrier are being discontinued (they change fabrics every Spring and Fall), but the rest of the line we wanted will soon be gone. Tom simply suggested that we go ahead and buy the whole line....and I didn't stop him. I just said yes and there we went. Stroller, carrier/car seat, high chair and pack and play. No more...The credit card is officially out of my purse. I am done.....for now. But isn't it pretty? It's brown, grey and red....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Put the card down....

I can't seem to follow my own advice. I am out of control when it comes to shopping for this baby. I know I don't need all of these clothes, but they are just too darn cute. How can I not buy all of them? Someone please stop me. This is my favorite so far.
Please someone make me stop. I am out of control....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is Killing Legal When You are Pregnant?

Because that's about where I am right now. Waking up to Tom screaming at me that my tires and wheels were gone from my truck and it was now sitting on concrete blocks was not the greatest start to my day. For the third time in three years, we have been robbed. SERIOUSLY?! What did we do so wrong that this is what happens to us? I promise I'm a good person - I even walked in the rain over to my neighbors on Saturday to let them know their window was down on their car. I'm a nice person - why does this s$&@% keep happening? I wish we could move - I just can't fathom putting our house up for sale with a baby on the way. I want to kill so many people right now. #1 - the freaking bastards that sat outside my house and stole from us #2 - kind of want to kill my husband - I didn't want a truck, but I gave up the fight - I certainly didn't want a truck with fancy tires and wheels on it. I have begged since February for him to take that crap off my truck. Nice of someone to steal it off. Bastards. I hate people right now.