Thursday, August 27, 2009

Deep Thoughts...

So I'm not one to make a habit of getting on a political or religious soap box - Mostly because I feel that people who do this should be well informed and not blabber. I'll admit, I am not the most informed person when it comes to politics or religion. I know what I believe and what makes me spiritual person, and I think that's okay. Yesterday, though, I had an encounter that really got me bare with me.

If we bash a man in his death, what kind of person does that make us? With the sad passing of Ted Kennedy, this really got me thinking. Now, I'm not saying that Ted Kennedy was a saint - I don't think anyone would disagree with me on that. But the man helped shape our nation - Important legislation that we have today was because of this man. Now, I think that is pretty cool to look at all of his accomplishments and what he has done for this country. And yes, the man made mistakes. Haven't we all? Raise your hand if you are perfect. one raised their hand.

Yesterday, I received several emails and a million facebook posts from an unnamed individual about what a terrible person Ted Kennedy was. This person claims to be a great man of god and preaches the word of the bible in everything he does. So my question is here - what kind of Christian does that make you when you continue to judge a person in their death? I thought Jesus and God were about forgiveness. Didn't Jesus die for your sins? If Jesus and God can forgive, why can't you? I don't care if you approved or disapproved of Ted Kennedy, but don't tell the world via email and facebook that Jesus and God wouldn't approve of Ted Kennedy. Did Jesus or God call you up and tell you they didn't approve? I'm pretty sure they didn't. I thought Christianity was about loving one another, supporting each other, forgiveness and living a good moral life. Where is judgement in all of that? I think if you look at the bible, they only person that could even try to judge you would be God in your death. I guess I'm just confused. I thought that those that portray themselves as devout Christians were supposed to be loving, accepting and forgiving. Turns out, some of them aren't.

I'm not trying to create a debate or pass judgement myself (although it sounds like it, doesn't it?). I think I just want to know why even judge those in their passing? Their life is over - celebrate their accomplishments. You wouldn't want someone standing at your funeral telling everyone all the mistakes you made, would you?

I'll step down now.


Amanda Barefoot said...

Girl..I am with you on this. I find it very frustrating to be a Christian and then hear other people who claim to be Christians be so unkind and unloving and judgmental. We are all sinners.

Mostly Clueless said...

I think it just makes me so sad. You are right - we are all sinners. Why judge others on their sins? You don't know their relationship with God, do you? I could seriously go on about this forever. Why can't we all just accept each other and be happy?