Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I can't stop watching these people....

Do you watch these guys....The Duggars on TLC? I can't stop. They are a complete mystery to me. How one woman gives birth to 18 children....and is still going, I have no idea. It doesn't make sense to me because #1 - why do you want to give birth to 18 children and #2 - WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE BIRTH TO 18 CHILDREN?! Tom and I do well, and I think we will barely afford one child. How do these people afford 18 children? How do you even get to know your kids when you have that many? I can't stop watching - it totally fascinates me. Not to mention when their oldest got married, until the day of his wedding, he had never even kissed a girl. That makes no sense to me what-so-ever. People are so crazy.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I cannot stand these people. blah.