Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oops, I did it again.

But this time it wasn't my fault....but I didn't stop it from happening. I blame Tom. I received a notification yesterday that they are discontinuing the fabric design on the stroller we like. So, Tom and I went to Baby's R Us to just look. Upon arriving, we learned that not only the fabric for the stroller and carrier are being discontinued (they change fabrics every Spring and Fall), but the rest of the line we wanted will soon be gone. Tom simply suggested that we go ahead and buy the whole line....and I didn't stop him. I just said yes and there we went. Stroller, carrier/car seat, high chair and pack and play. No more...The credit card is officially out of my purse. I am done.....for now. But isn't it pretty? It's brown, grey and red....


Kathryn said...

Girl, you are out of control. I think we need to schedule an intervention.

Amanda Barefoot said...

i agree with kathy! you don't even need a high chair until the kid is like 5 months! but yes, i do like that car seat...great colors.