Thursday, July 2, 2009

The beginning....

So, here is my attempt at starting a blog. I doubt I will be as witty as Amanda's or creative as Kathy's or hilarious like Zach's story about stabbing kids in his younger days, but here we go.

I'm approaching 30....pondering a lot. With a great marriage, a baby arriving in December, a wonderful family and a job, there shouldn't be much left to worry about. But wow - does my brain race! I have pretty much no idea what to do with this thing growing in my belly (which I referred to as a parasite last night as the Hubby kindly patted my expanding belly), and I'm sure my friends will slap me one day for the million questions everyday. I know it will all be okay - like my sister says "People have been doing this for centuries." However, I have convinced myself I am the only one that has experienced any of this and that no one knows what I'm talking about. Yes - you guessed it - I am kinda of a drama queen....but really I'm just mostly clueless...about everything.

As 30 approaches, I look back on the last 10-12 years - these are the years that I think have made the most impact on me. I have made some of the greatest friends these past years. And while I live close to almost none of them...I hope they know they all hold a special place in my heart. I don't get to visit people much and I've turned into the biggest home body. Which - if you have known me for any length of time - you would think that is quite odd. For some reason, since being back to Dallas - making new friends hasn't been the easiest. I like to say it's because my heart is only big enough for the ones I already have, and there isn't a lot of room for new ones. Most of that is true, the other is that I haven't found too many people that make me laugh and cry like they do. The ones that I have made...I will cherish forever.

I've also been with the Hubby for almost 9 years....that is crazy to even think about. Four years of dating and almost 5 years of marriage. I still can't believe someone has put up with my craziness for this long....and I am crazy as you all know.

So here we go...continuing along this infinite abyss of life. Let's see where this goes.


Zach said...

I bet if you stabbed your belly with a pencil you'd have some funny material to write about.

Kathryn said...

Good job! Keep it up. Love it.

Mostly Clueless said...

Zach - people my put me in jail if I did that. I still think it's the funniest story I've heard in a long time

Amanda Barefoot said...

making new friends is hard, isn't it? I know exactly what you mean! love the blog!