Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trying to be patient

I am not a patient person....never have been....never will be. I am the classic "I need it yesterday or my life is over" person. And most of the time, I really do believe my life is going to be over if I don't know or get something right then. I am the person that has to open Christmas gifts as soon as I am aware that there is a present under the tree for me. Yes, I still carefully rip the tape off the sides to sneak a peak - and let me tell you, I'm quite the expert. This past Christmas, Tom made the mistake of putting my Christmas present out at Thanksgiving - I immediately opened it.

So, needless to say, these last few days of waiting for my ultrasound have been AGONY....I take that back...these last 4 months of waiting have been agony. I need to know NOW! I need to shop now! Yes, I realize that I can wait for a while to shop, but I think my life will be over if I don't do it now. Believe me, the next 2 days are jam packed of things that must be done now. Ultrasound, 2 pediatrician appointments, 4 daycare appointments - and that is just Friday. Saturday will be full of shopping. Thank you American Express. I never leave home with out you.


Kathryn said...

You and I are so much alike. I used to open my Christmas presents with an X-acto knife and then rewrap them.

Mostly Clueless said...

The thing is, you said "used to"....I still do

Amanda Barefoot said...

i always used a butter knife.
to mess with me, one year my parents bought me tools...wrenches, screwdrivers, etc....i wasn't very happy when i snooped that year...but of course i couldn't say anything.

Me in a Buttshell said...

By the end of reading this post, all I could hear in my head was Veruca Salt (a la Willy Wonka) singing, "I want it NOW!" =) Many congratulations again and again!